Coffee of the World
The Bean Belt is the latitudes in which all coffee plants are grown.The area is between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Coffee plants are cultivated in more than 70 countries, primarily in equatorial Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia. Once ripe, coffee "berries" are picked, processed and dried to yield the seeds inside. The seeds are then roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavor, before being ground and brewed to create coffee.
Latin America
- bright acidity, clean flavor, medium body and aroma with more balanced overall taste, sometimes with a slight chocolate aftertaste
- vividly floral aromas, deep notes of citrus and berries, fruit, and wine tones with rich acidity.
Southeast Asia
- long finish, heavy body and low acidity, with earthy and herbal flavors.
Honduras SHG Brandy Fermentation
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洪都拉斯 白蘭地酒桶發酵 ..................................................... $175/200g
Lychee, Honey, Brandy, Dark Chocolate.
Ecuador Andres Loor (Washed)
厄瓜多爾 希瑪莊園 水洗 鐵皮卡 ..................................................... $140/200g
Apricot, Dates, Floral, Black Tea, Milk Chocolate.
Panama Finca Santa Teresa (Washed)
巴拿馬 聖特蕾莎莊園 水洗
..................................................... $140/200g
Plum, Hazelnut, Milk Chocolate, English Tea, Grapefruit, Caramel.
Costa Rica Tarrazu SHB
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哥斯達黎加 塔拉蘇 SHB
..................................................... $130/200g
Maple syrup, Roasted almond, Mandarin, Biscuit, Clean cup.
Guatemala SHB EP Antigua Pastoral
⽠地⾺拉 SHB EP 帕斯托洛 安提⽠
..................................................... $130/200g
Walnut, Chocolatey, Mandarin, Low acidity, Mellow, Malt.
El Salvador SHG Santa Maria
薩爾瓦多 聖瑪利莊園 ................. $130/200g
Almond, Raspberry, Stone Fruits, Grapefruit, Citric.
Peru Chanchamayo
秘魯 ............................................. $130/200g
Nutty, Cereal, Dark Chocolate, Rye, Smooth.
Brazil Fazenda Bau (Natural) NY2
巴西 巴鳥莊園 (日曬) .................. $130/200g
Sweet aroma, Mild acidity, Plum-like, Fruit notes, Clean cup, Well-balanced, Pleasant aftertaste, Chocolate on a darker roast.
Colombia Hulia Supremo
哥倫比亞 烏伊拉 ......................... $130/200g
Well-balanced flavor, Full rich aroma, Juicy acidity, Herbal, Crisp citrus notes with a Walnut-like taste.
Kenya AA Micro-lot Kiriaini Muranga
肯亞 AA級 微批次 綺麗埃尼 穆蘭卡郡
..................................................... $150/200g
Honeydew, Tomato, Dried Fruits, Winey.
Ethiopia Benchi Maji Gesha (Natural)
** (New Arrival)
埃塞俄比亞 本奇馬吉 (日曬)
..................................................... $140/200g
Passionfruit, Strawberry, Raisin, Mango, Plum Wine Sweetness, tea-like.
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Worka Chelichele JARC G1 (Honey Process)
埃塞俄比亞 耶加雪夫 沃卡切切擂 一級 (蜜處理)
..................................................... $150/200g
Peach, Apple, Apricot, Black Tea, Citrus, Honey.
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Aricha G1 (Washed)
** (New Arrival)
埃塞俄比亞 耶加雪夫 艾瑞嘉 一級 (水洗)
..................................................... $140/200g
Jasmine, Almond, Brown Sugar, Prune, Lemon Peel.
Rwanda Karambi Anaerobic
(Anaerobic Washed)
盧旺達 (厭氧水洗) ....................... $130/200g
Smooth Cup, Berry, Mild Sweetness, Dark Fruits.
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Dumerso (Natural)
埃塞俄比亞 耶加雪夫 杜梅索 (日曬)
..................................................... $150/200g
Floral, Blackcurrant, Melon, Chocolate Sweet, Juicy.
Tanzania Kilimanjaro AA
坦桑尼亞 吉力馬札羅 AA級 ........ $130/200g
Bright acidity, Distinct berry-like undertones, Crisp citrus, Medium body epitomizes the lively, Tangy, Funky taste.
Yunnan Brandy Honey Process
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雲南 (蜜處理)
..................................................... $140/200g
Passion Fruit, Brandy, Malt, Dried Fruits, Almond, Jackfruit.
Papua New Guinea Goroka
巴布亞新幾內亞 戈羅卡
..................................................... $130/200g
Dark Chocolate, Roasted Cashew Nuts, Smoky, Layered, Refined Sweetness
Sumatra Gayo Mountain G1 TP
蘇門塔臘 迦佑山 一級
..................................................... $130/200g
Full body and an earthy richness, Sweet and bright fruit notes linger into a long, Resonant finish, Well-integrated citrus aftertaste.
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